A different aspect

One of the most enjoyable aspects of photography, is the inspiration we get from others, either through blogs, youtube videos,image sites or magazine articles.
It is through a variety of these mediums that became the theme of today’s outing …..

A few months ago, I finally became an owner of an IPhone, no, not the latest all singing, all dancing tenth generation, but a refurbished 5s, which for my needs, is more than ample.
I had no real intention of using the phone for photography, after all, I have a camera (or 2) don’t I ?

That was until, watching an online video, I was introduced to the hipstamatic app, which in brief, simulates various film effects and lenses.
So I dabbled with a few combinations and began to like the various effects it could produce.

As with many of these apps, it has spawned a number of websites, fan pages, social media groups and such like, where I have learned more about its capabilities.

The app restrics the user to the instagram style square format image, something I had started to employ in some of my outings earlier this year.
Square format appears to have the same popularity of marmite, either you like it or you don’t.
I like approaching the different aspect of filling a square, rather than a rectangle, it helps to perceive composition in a new way.

So after a proposed photo shoot was cancelled today, I decided to make use of the unexpected spare time to take some snaps of what may be considered the every day, the mundane.
It is possible to shoot images within the hipstamatic app but on this occasion, I used the square format of the phone’s default camera, so I could edit while enjoying a cuppa or 2 in a local cafe.

Slowly but surely, I am finding a few combinations I really like, as shown in the above images.
They may not be worthy of entry to the Magnum photo archive, but it was an enjoyable way to further my creativity