Travelling light

Over the years, I have dabbled with many different makes of cameras, always hopefully, looking for the best one I could possibly afford, and yes, of course I have coveted full frame and Leica cameras.

The full frame dream became a reality a few years ago, having acquired the Legendary Nikon D700, an absolute tank of a camera but with the ability to produce some really good images.

But here lies the issue,  I found after a while that I was taking my smaller mirrorless cameras out more than the Nikon, just because of the weight.

Over the last 12 months, my mindset with regards to the importance of sensor size has changed, so much so, that for my personal photography I use Micro four thirds cameras.
I still have a full frame camera but this is used mainly for work shoots, where I like the extra resolution and low light performance for the bulk of my shots, but the close up images are taken with the M43 gear.

Just recently, I have added a little gem to my M43 list, the Lumix LX100, a camera ticks the take everywhere box, its 24-75mm equivalent lens, has a fast f1.7 aperture and lurking inside, is the m43 sensor!

Using the LX100 is a pleasure, great for those days when a good hike without a bag of gear is required.

I have managed some really good candid shots with the LX100, to all intents, it looks like a compact snapshot camera, but produces some quality shots!